Milestone Project #1 Process II - Amanita Muscaria


This week we were given an extension for the actual laser cutting of our project, so I took that extra time to improve my model and get the file ready for cutting.

For my remodel, I ended up referencing a specific kind of mushroom; the Amanita Muscaria, since I think it has an interesting shape. I did end up centering the object as I realized if it was tilted like it was when I started, it wouldn't actually be able to stand on its own. I also challenged myself to build the half-circle part entirely in Grasshopper!

I then went through and sliced everything again making sure it looked okay, and aligning the contours on a grid + numbering them like we did in the demos from last week!

This was originally going to be made out of acrylic, with a 3D printed dowel to hold it together, but instead I think I'm going to go with 1/8" plywood/veneer so that I can paint it the colours that I want; and with doing that I can glue it together without having to worry about seeing the glue through the material.

Here's a render of the mushroom, as well as one of the frames from the above gif that stood out to me! I just know a rich minimalist would love it.

And that's all for this week! At some point in the next couple days I'm going to brave the wilds of home depot to get some material, and then laser cut it for next class! Thanks for reading :)


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