First Assignment - Castle!

 For this first project, we were tasked with creating a castle using simple tools and commands in Rhino 7. While I didn't originally have a specific idea I was going with, I was inspired to make something based on a world-building/character design project from another class. The final concept was basically a castle/group of buildings on a cluster of floating islands, with chains or ropes attaching them to the ground below so they don't fly away.

Because I took the first year object design class, I was already pretty familiar with Rhino and didn't run into too many problems- at least not anything that wasn't fixed by going back through my notes or looking it up.

One of the things I really enjoyed with this project was getting to try out new tools, including the love of my life, the bend tool! Which I used a lot once I figured it out. Looking back it may have been easier to use the Arc tool, but I hadn't figured that one out yet.

Overall this was a really fun way of getting back into Rhino, and I'm excited to see how everyone else's projects turned out!

A few more views/renders:

["Artistic" Render]

[Render with lighting]


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