3D Printed Chess Set - Concepts

 I would like to start this post by saying that I originally did have a cool, original idea for this assignment. I thought about having different plants, imagery from movies, or even the different parts of a skeleton. And then the brain worms took over.

Once I saw people making concepts based around interests they had, I immediately did a 180 on my ideas and started planning a set based on some different imagery seen within Zelda games; I will take literally any opportunity to talk about/make content involving this franchise. Like I said, brain worms!

Here's what I have so far:

Idea #1:

This was the first idea I had- a set based on popular imagery seen throughout the games. From left to right, we have:

King: Triforce (pretty much every game), Queen: Goddess' Harp (Skyward Sword), Bishop: Majora's Mask (Majora's Mask), Knight: Master Sword (most games), Rook: Hylian Shield (most games), Pawn: Ocarina of Time (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask)

This specific concept doesn't have a lot to do with any actual meaning/symbolism behind the original chess pieces, as these items are all incredibly important to their franchise/specific game. However, I did at least take into consideration the names of the pieces and how that could connect to use of the items.

Here's some pictures of what they're based on!

Goddess' Harp
Majora's Mask
Master Sword
Hylian Shield
Ocarina of Time

Idea #2:

While this concept is also based on Zelda, this one is a little more specific and following the original chess pieces a bit better; some of the masks from Majora's Mask! From left to right, we have:

King: Majora's Mask, Queen: Fierce Deity Mask, Bishop: Mask of Truth, Knight: Zora Mask, Rook: Goron Mask, Pawn: Deku Mask

While working on this I kept switching which mask I wanted for the king; I eventually settled on Majora's Mask. Despite it not being a wearable mask by the player, it is an important part of the game (it's literally in the name) especially considering these items are all from its namesake. It also made sense to have the Fierce Deity Mask as the Queen, because as far as I know in chess the Queen is actually considered the strongest piece? Which lines up with this being the most powerful mask.

Other than that, I basically just picked the masks based on what worked for the theme of the chess pieces!

Here's pictures of all the masks:
Majora's Mask
Fierce Deity Mask

Mask of Truth
Zora Mask
Goron Mask
Deku Mask

That's all, if you got this far thank you for listening to me yell about Zelda for this long! I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with :)

- Forrest


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