Surface Design Study - Laser Cut Sample


Here is the long awaited laser cut sample!


For the sake of having this turn out with visible details, I went back and edited my original surface design to make it a better use of the 4x4 space. I basically just removed the larger spikes, as having them made the details of the design a lot smaller than I wanted.

The technician and I also went in and changed the values a little, just to help the difference show up more in the engraving process. I still think it could have been a bit darker, but I also didn't want to change the original feel of the design by messing with it too much. With the bigger spikes in the design gone, I was also able to add more spots for cutouts, making the final a lot more interesting!

(photo in better lighting courtesy of my friend Noah, who also accompanied me on my first laser cutting journey because I was nervous 😵)

Overall, I'm a big fan of how it turned out! I was originally going for "cool art piece" or even "nice coaster for my coffee table" but I think I accidentally made a weapon? I dropped it on my foot while making this post and can confirm it hurt pretty bad. Either way it was really cool to see something I made in Rhino have a physical output! If I could do it again, I would probably go back and edit those values again just to have a more noticeable difference in the engraving, but I still really like it!

I'm also working on getting a picture of this in the laser cutter because my friend took one, so there may be an update to this post. Can't wait to see how everyone else's turned out!

- Forrest


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