3D Printed Chess Set - Final


The long awaited(?) final post, both for the chess set and the entire class!


For this project, we were tasked with creating a set of chess pieces, based on whatever we wanted as long as there was a clear hierarchy that mirrored the visuals of a classic set. I had a few ideas for this; a couple different things involving plants, the parts of a skeleton (inspired by my anatomy class of course), and something based on the symbols seen in the Dragon Age franchise. I realized pretty quickly that this wasn't reasonable to finish within the 2 week limit, and so I came up with something similar while still being based on something I liked- a Legend of Zelda chess set! I messed around with a few ideas, thinking of maybe going with some of the masks from Majora's Mask, but landed on this:

While this was the general idea I followed, I did end up switching the mask and the harp for the final as it made more sense thematically, especially with the bishop in this case literally being called the  "Goddess' Harp."


Here's a collection of WIP shots! I made most of these using the extrude, revolve, sweep, and loft tools.

Drawing for the bases

"Finished" Triforce (had to go back and make some changes for the print)

This is about where I stopped checking to make sure that my shapes were all closed surfaces! Yes I did have to remake most of the sword and yes I did deserve it :')

Majora's Mask (without spikes, ended up having to edit them so they would print properly)

Hylian Shield, pre-using the bend tool to get a better shape. I kind of wish I had left it straight up and down so it could've printed easier. 

Ocarina of Time! This was probably the easiest out of all of the objects, surprisingly.

Front and back of the finished pieces in shaded view.


And here are some pictures + videos of these printing!

Final Pictures + Renders

Here are all the finals!

There isn't much left to say that I didn't in our last class, but it was great meeting everyone and getting to see the progress you all made throughout the semester! Hopefully I'll see some of you in the 310 class :-) 

Thanks for reading!

- Forrest 


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