Start of OBDF 310 - My First Definition

For this first project, we were tasked with following some tutorials on Grasshopper and making our first definition with the program. As we learned with the drawing/algorithm exercise in class, I am not very good at following directions so this definitely took a while to get the hang of!
I started out following the tutorials pretty closely, labeling the commands I used along the way so I could remember them later. I didn't change much outside of the directions, besides editing some of the values for my gradient since my object was a different size.
After that I baked my object and started adding different materials in Rhino:
Eventually ending up with this! I think its alright for my first time using Grasshopper.
I was originally going to use that object as a base and make something out of it, but instead I decided to scrap it and make something on my own.
I decided to make some sort of vase-like object and got a pretty good start until I hit this error; after agonizing over it for a good 20 minutes and going through the videos again I realized I just needed to not have the ends of the curves touching, and once I edited them it was fine.
After that I used what I learned in the tutorials mixed with my previous knowledge of Rhino to make this! I was inspired by those weird vases you can buy that just have sticks in them for some reason? They're very "millenial mom obsessed with minimalism who shops at winners" chic. Even I have one (no idea where it came from) but I refuse to touch it to take a picture because I just know there's spiders in that thing.
Also a bonus, I distinctly remember last semester being told not to use the 3D environments for renders because they don't look good but I did it anyways just to see! So here's my object at the Incheon Airport in incredibly detailed 360p.

And that's all, I had a lot of fun with this and I can't wait to see how everyone else did with the first project! Thanks for reading :)

- Forrest


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